Anne Gaspar > SPANISH III

 Content Editor ‭[3]‬

​Hola! Bienvenidos a clase de espanol III.  Vamos a hablar mucho espanol y aprender mucho espanol este ano.  
Mis expectaciones son altos -- ustedes necesitan:
*escribir notas
*practicar el espanol (leer, escribir, hablar, escuchar, responder)
*aprender de la cultura de los hispanicos
*tomar los examenes 
*portarse bien

 la tarea /la practica

    el futuro: click here for today's daily points:  1.htm1.htm

POR y PARA    una explicacion buena:  por y para​

PRACTICA por y para:  click heres por y para.htmclick heres por y para.htm

ABRIL:  Antoni Gaudi  weblinks and questions:  click here mosaics questions.htmmosaics questions.htm  for websites and information

Las preposiciones en espanol: you tube video: las preposiciones​ (MIREN ustedes el video)

1.  Busquen ustedes fotos --- (fotos que demuestran locacion - posicion - preposiciones)

2.  Abran ustedes un word doc.

3.  Inserten fotos (10 fotos diferentes) 

4.  Escriban ustedes de las fotos:  USEN ustedes 10 frases / preposiciones diferentes 


 practica las preposiciones:   click here for daily points/daily practice:  click heres prepositions.htmclick heres prepositions.htm

EL DISCURSO DEMONSTRATIVO :  usando los mandatos
Quieres usar mi template?  click here:  demo speech powerpoint template.potxdemo speech powerpoint template.potx
miren ustedes mi discurso:   Una torta chocolate :  click here:discurso demonstrativo torta chocolate.pptxdiscurso demonstrativo torta chocolate.pptx
Martes - viernes, el 12-15 de Febrero: Miren ustedes un discurso demonstrative por Sra. Gaspar en espanol.
Hagan ustedes un discurso demonstrativo.
Hagan un ppt.
practiquen el discurso
Martes y Miercoles: el 19-20 de Febrero: demonstren ustedes los discursos para la clase.
La torta chocolate fabulosa!

MARTES, el 4 de Febrero: 
 your daily grade today:  practiquen ustedes los mandatos formales y informales:  click here-- commands ud uds click heres.htmcommands ud uds click heres.htm
untitled.pngFELIZ DIA DE SAN VALENTIN! :) <3  Recuerden ustedes la maestra de Espanol! Traiganla dulces, flores, dinero.... :)
martes, el 14 de febrero :​

Jueves, el 16 de Enero: : HAZ un advierto: MAKE AN ADVERTISEMENT (como en un revista) as in a magazine
Mira los ejemplos de Sra. Gaspar: SUGGESTIONS: products, restaurants, a website, clothing, a store, cell phone, computer, a movie
*Usa 5 mandatos/commands (either __ or don't __)
*Hazlo realistico
*piensa de un producto que tu puedes advertir en una revista.
*Se creativo
*incluye fotos

mag ad.bmp


Miercoles, el 15  de enero : Los mandatos/los imperativos informales: informal commands/ negative commands:
practicamos los mandatos formales affirmativos y negativos:
1. site id: 525-812-7179 test id: 91638 student id: obtiene de portal
2. site id: 525-812-7179 test id: 85566 student id: obtiene de portal
"turn in the test" when done

feliz-navidad.gifQuerido Papa Noel / Santa Claus / San Nicolas: Sra. Gaspar quiere/desea..... un coche rojo mercedes, dinero, chocolates/dulces, musica de Enrique Iglesias.... :)
El proyecto cultural :   Cada (each) semestre ustedes  van a aprender y ensenar de una topica especifica de la cultura de los hispanicos.
Este semestre:   AQUI y ALLI  (here, and there)
1.  Escoje (choose) un pais hispanico en lo que  investigar y estudiar. 
2.  usa la plantilla (template)  o  haz un powerpoint original.
3.  sigue los requisitos completar la presentacion.
click here for requirements    aqui y alli project  2011.pptxaqui y alli project 2011.pptx                        aqui y alli template.pptxaqui y alli template.pptx
_____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
SAYING "THANKS" in Spanish
Chances are that one of the first words you learned in Spanish is gracias, the most common way to say "thanks" or "thank you." It is, of course, an extremely useful word.
If you wish to indicate what you're giving thanks for, use the preposition por to mean "for": Gracias por el regalo, thank you for the gift.
If you want to say "thank you very much," you can use muchas gracias or even muchísimas gracias.
If you wish to add some variety to your language, here are examples of a few other ways you offer thanks:
  • Te doy gracias por el regalo. I thank you for the gift.
  • Me has ayudado mucho.You have helped me very much.
  • Me ha ayudado el regalo. The gift has helped me very much.
  • Me ayudará mucho el regalo. The gift will help me very much.
  • Te agradezco el regalo. I appreciate your gift.
  • Me siento agradecido (agradecida if you're female) por el regalo. I feel grateful for the gift.
  • Estoy agradecido (agradecida if you're female) por el regalo. I am grateful for the gift.
  • Me encanta el regalo. I'm delighted by the gift.


La amabilidad: adelante!​

Miercoles, el 13 de Noviembre:  practicamos el preterito, el imperfecto, y el preterito Y imperfecto! (2 dias en el laboratorio de computadoras)

 Jueves, el 21 de Noviembre: : practicamos el preterito vs. el imperfecto (the 2 past tenses)
la tarea de hoy: achievement series review Preterito vs imperfecto
1. site id: 525-812-7179 (use dashes) student id: get from your portal (under picture) test id: 86278
"turn in the test" when done
now that you have had a chance to review/remember...SECOND CHANCE to get 100%
2. site id: 525-812-7179 (use dashes) student id: get from sra. gaspar test id: 70410
"turn in the test" when done​
 Escribe una cuenta en Spanglish:
1 page, typed, 12 times, include a picture use : LA RUBIA y los TRES OSOS as an example --- make all your VERBS in the PAST TENSE: PRETERITO o IMPERFECTO BOLD OR HIGHLIGHTED
Miercoles, el 28 de Noviembre: practicamos el preterito y el imperfecto
your daily grade: click on the following link and complete 10 online practices: Click heres preterito vs imperfecto spIII.htmClick heres preterito vs imperfecto spIII.htm
practicamos el preterito: (past tense) your daily grade today:
1. practica: click on the following link and practice the past tense EL PRETERITO: your goal is to be proficient at el preterito: know it like you know the present tense of all verbs.preterito games for points.htmpreterito games for points.htm
2. complete 1 ach. series and "turn in the test" (26 pts)
Do your best, it records your answers/grade/score.
student id: your student id is the number next to your picture when you log in to ddn campus/ check your grades/ student portal
site id: 525-812-7179
test id 1 : 89570 (26 points) practice el preterito
Mis estudiantes muertos: celebramos el dia de los muertos
EL DIA DE LOS MUERTOS el primero de Noviembre
Vamos a trabajar en el lab de computadoras. Ustedes van a hacer 2 ofrendas:
1. You will create a one page ofrenda (on/using the computer) about a famous muerto . (1 pg)
WHAT SHOULD YOUR OFRENDA on paper look like?
example ofrenda of Chris Farley: if word won't open, look at the PDF Chris Farley Alter.docChris Farley Alter.doc Chris Farley Alter.pdfChris Farley Alter.pdf
2. on another page you will write about the muerto IN SPANISH using the preterito: past tense you will not use google translate: USE THIS GUIDE DDLM ofrenda write in the past.docDDLM ofrenda write in the past.doc
3. you will write about your death: and create your own ofrenda "obit"   you died. Tu moriste. do not use google translate! USE THIS GUIDE: you died write in the past.docxyou died write in the past.docx
look at this example sra gaspar muerto paper.docxsra gaspar muerto paper.docx sra gaspar muerto paper.pdfsra gaspar muerto paper.pdf you will go to and turn a picture of you into a muerto: and write about your death using the PRETERITO --
with the words in Spanish (preterito) create anofrenda that represents YOU / your life, include zombie pic
****HOW YOU WILL BE GRADED: look at this rubric to see how to earn all the points for DDLM : ddlm rubric 4 ofrendas.docxddlm rubric 4 ofrendas.docx ddlm rubric 4 ofrendas.pdfddlm rubric 4 ofrendas.pdf
issac zombie.PNG
tyler zombie.PNG
alex zombie.PNG

Lunes, el 7 de Octubre: Practicamos los pronombres de objectos directos (OD pns)  y  los pronombres indirectos (OI pns)
daily grade 1. : Complete the practices on the following websites: start at the top and work your way down through all the on-line practices.
Daily grade 2.: Complete 3 achievement series practices. Do your best, it records your answers/grade/score.
student id: your student id is the number next to your picture when you log in to ddn campus/ check your grades/ student portal
site id: 525-812-7179
test id 1 :12519  (15 points) practice OD pns  (ONLY DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS) - answer the question who? what?
test id 2: 66670 (26 pts) practice OD pns. 
Test id 3:  35954 IO pns - 15 pts  (INDERECT OBJECT pns PRACTICE ONLY ) -to whome?  - for whom?


Test id 4: 30493  (15 pts) INDIRECT OBJECT pns ONLY   - to me, for me  -to you, for you , to him/her -for him/her - to us/for us, to them / for them

Test id 5:  38479    ALL MIXED UP!  IO and DO PNs  (20 pts)

Miercoles, el 28 de Agosto:  repaso -AR verbos:   
MASTER -AR verbs!

click here everything -AR verbs  el tiempo presente

LT's -  pronunciation, conjugation, subject pronouns, subject-verb agreement, infinitive form, ask questions, say you don't, answer/respond around the chart

El presente perfecto: HAVE, HAS __________ed
have, has = he, has, ha, hemos, han
"___ed" = (ar verbo) -ado (er, ir verbo) - ido
irregulares: abierto, cubierto, dicho, descubierto, devuelto, escrito, hecho, muerto, puesto, roto, visto, vuelto.
opened, covered, said, discovered, returned, written, made, died, put, broken, seen, returned
CLICK HERE for practice - and your daily grade today: present perfecto click heres.htmpresent perfecto click heres.htm complete all for 25 daily points
La condicional: WOULD ___ : daily grade/points: click here: conditional click here ach series.htmconditional click here ach series.htm
irregulares:  podr -, tendr-, har-, dir-, pondr-, vendr-, saldr-
el futuro:  "WILL"  : click herefuturo click heres practice.htmfuturo click heres practice.htm
 irregulares: podr -, tendr-, har-, dir-, pondr-, vendr-, saldr-


El projecto final (Semestre I) : AQUI y ALLI requirements: aqui y alli project.pptxaqui y alli project.pptx


tarea:  practica el preterito:  escribe que paso en las fotos click here:write about pictures in the past preterite.htmwrite about pictures in the past preterite.htm


Nov. 12:  terminamos el video "todos a bailar"  escribe 5 minutos del video en el preterito, 5 minutos de ayer.

Nov. 13:  repasamos por un examen de el preterito (5 mas credito)

Nov. 14:  examen escribiendo de el preterito

Nov. 15:  notas:  el imperfecto: vs. el preterito 

Nov. 16:  lo tengo!  Ustedes necesitan aprender el imperfecto vs. preterito! :) dulces 


EL PRETERITO:  the preterite form of verbs:  talking in the past tense



Miercoles, el 31 de Octubre:  FELIZ DIA DE LA VISPERA de todos los santos




LA MISMA LUNA:  topicas de la imigracion: 
*What is it like crossing the border "unofficially"/illegally?
*How do Mexicans cross the border into the united states?
*What does the border look like?
*Who is the border control? Who controls/regulates the US-Mexican border?
*What towns/who lives on the border?
*What is the Arizona Immigration law?
*What happens to illegal immigrants who are "found/discovered" living illegally in the US?
*What happens when an immigrand DOES make it to the US successfully but illegally?
*What is life like in the US for an illegal Mexan immigrant?
*why is there such a huge exodus from mexico to the US?

Jueves, el 4 de Octubre:  practicamos los pronombres de objectos directos, indirectos, y reflexivos.

DAILY GRADE:   completet the follwing practices, then an achievement series quiz.  do, io combined pronouns click heres.htmdo, io combined pronouns click heres.htm





practice Spanish using technology --- La escuela de GHS: mis clases, mis maestros, mis amigos, mi escuela.,,
use YODIO to produce a video that will tell and describe in Spanish the classes you take in Garretson, your school, where you eat lunch, what you learn, who your teachers are, where games are played... You will be working with a partner. You will use a digital camera to show --- and Spanish to describe those pictures.
Review: use GOANIMATE to make a video that will demonstrate your knowledge of LTs of er, ar, ir verbs in the present tense:
1.  work with a partner
2.  use -ar, -er, -ir verbs and create a conversation / dialogue / situation
3.  incorporate your learning targets in the video:
        LT:  ask a question
        LT:  answer a question
        LT :  memorize all verbs, question words, vocab associated with -ar, -er, -ir words and use them in a conversation
          LT:   use the negative (don't) do something
          LT:   conjugate any verb  (subject verb agreement)

















Jueves, el 26 de abril

El presente perfecto:   HAVE, HAS  __________ed

have, has  =   he, has, ha, hemos, han

"___ed"   =    (ar verbo)  -ado      (er, ir verbo)   - ido

irregulares:   abierto, cubierto, dicho, descubierto, devuelto, escrito, hecho, muerto, puesto,  roto,    visto,   vuelto.  

                     opened,   covered,  said,       discovered,   returned, written,    made,    died,       put,    broken,  seen,      returned


CLICK HERE for practice - and your daily grade today:  present perfecto click heres.htmpresent perfecto click heres.htm  complete all for 25 daily points


La condicional:  WOULD ___    :  daily grade/points:  click here: conditional click here ach series.htmconditional click here ach series.htm








 Content Editor ‭[2]‬

CNN Las noticias en espanol:
Mira: ESPN en espanol: 
corrida de torosthe controversy
Bull Fighting 
The ritual, the show, the dance, or the sport... surprisingly, one of the most representative facets of the Spanish culture is at the same time, one of the most controversial spectacles in the world!
A bullfighting show is usually on the top 10 list of traditional Spanish activities, along with the famous flamenco dancing. The event essentially comes down to a performance between a highly trained professional torero or matador, and the most powerful animal of the Mediterranean ecosystem; el toro de lidia, the brave bull!

… but what is exactly a bullfight?
TXTNG EN ESP  texting in Spanish
If Spanish wasn’t already one of the easier languages to learn, as a result of it being phonetic,it just got even easier. Thanks to 160 character limits on texts, and one-handed typing on cell phone keyboards, spelling in Spanish is getting even simpler. The catch? You still need to know which letters represent which sounds. 

As in the rest of the world, teens are the most prolific texters in Spain. It is from colloquial expressions and slang that the concise, yet expressive text language has developed. In many parts of southern Spain the last consonant in the word is skipped in spoken Spanish. “Granada” becomes “ Graná”, “helado” becomes “helao”, “pescado” becomes “pescao,” and so on. This rule is obviously applied when texting because it’s an easy way to save a character. 

But it’s not just the south which has influenced Spanish text-speak, in Cataluña, Euskadi (Basque Country) and Galicia the “X” replaces the “Ch” sound in words – “Chocolate” is “Xocolata” in Catalan. This substitution too has become common in text-speak. But beware; “X” can also represent the word “ por” (English “multiply” in math).

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae . The human brain’s capacity to understand words not only when letters are in the wrong order, but also when letters are missing is the last clue you will need to translate the text message conversation below: 
Monica: Ke kieres acer sta noxe? 

Ana: Toy zzz. Hy pso d sa.

Monica: Xq? Tas ok?

Ana: Toy depre :(. La profe de mtmtx mda muxo tare.

Monica: xfa. Tng gns d vrt!

Ana: Qdms en la dsk lg?

Monica: Siiiii!TQM! ta lgo. Bsit2

Ana: NV. Bsit2 

Monica: ¿Que quieres hacer esta noche? (What do you want to do tonight?)

Estoy durmiendo. Hoy paso de salir. (I'm asleep. I don't want to go out today.) (Literally: Today I pass on going out)

Monica: ¿ Porque? ¿Estás bien? (Why? Are you ok?)  

Ana: Estoy deprimida :(. La profesora de matemáticas me da mucho tarea. (I'm depressed. The math teacher gives a lot of homework .)  

Monica: Porfa ( por favor). Tengo ganas de verte! (Please. I really want to see you!)  

Ana: Quedamos en la discoteca luego? (Shall we meet in the disco later?)  

Monica: Si! Te quiero mucho! Hasta luego. Besitos. (Yes! I love you lots! See you later. Kisses)  

Ana: Nos vemos. Besitos. (See you. Kisses.)

 Content Editor ‭[1]‬

​practice el preterito:  verbos regulares y irregulares en el preterito:  mas practico:

kayla G imovie.m4v
5/16/2012 12:53 PMGaspar, Anne
Kris; spanish 3_1.wmv
5/16/2012 12:52 PMGaspar, Anne