Practicamos :  Que hora es?  

  what time is it?

Click on the following link for practice and pesos:


Domingo, el 20 de ABRIL:   

 chick.bmpbunny.gifFELIZ dia de PASCUA​


 practicamos los numeros! start with numero uno and work your way down the list of practices:

1. click here hangman numbers
2. and click here practica los numeros
3. numeros 0-100 click here practica los numeros 0-1000
4. numeros 1-99 click here numeros 1-99
5. practica los numeros: on this site, click on the box "Listen again" to get the number click here: los numeros
6. click here: you might have to go to "N: los numeros"
7th span numbers.htm7th span numbers.htm be a millionaire! ( or get one peso) N12 be a millionaire (get one peso) N19​


Practica!  on your own time...

los numeros en espanol:    some sites you might want to check out ---

numbers 1-100

challenging!  numbers 100-1000  scroll down, take he quiz


practicamos una conversacion basica:   click here:  una conversacion basica en espanol. 

PRACTICAMOS el alfabeto espanol:  CLICK HERE:  alphabet click heres.htmalphabet click heres.htm


El alfabeto espanol:  divertido!  practico!  alfabet song ​






 puppy.jpgFELIZ DIA DE SAN VALENTIN!  el 14 de Febrero 

FELIZ DIA DE ACCION DE GRACIAS!   Happy thanksgiving!turkey.gif
Check it out:    words you should know in Spanish regarding the Thanksgiving holiday!  CLICK HERE!
Now, let's "TALK TURKEY!"  take a quiz and see how well you know some Thanksgiving words in Spanish:CLICK HERE
SAYING "THANKS" in Spanish
Chances are that one of the first words you learned in Spanish is gracias, the most common way to say "thanks" or "thank you." It is, of course, an extremely useful word.
If you wish to indicate what you're giving thanks for, use the preposition por to mean "for": Gracias por el regalo, thank you for the gift.
If you want to say "thank you very much," you can use muchas gracias or even muchísimas gracias.
If you wish to add some variety to your language, here are examples of a few other ways you offer thanks:
  • Te doy gracias por el regalo. I thank you for the gift.
  • Me has ayudado mucho.You have helped me very much.
  • Me ha ayudado el regalo. The gift has helped me very much.
  • Me ayudará mucho el regalo. The gift will help me very much.
  • Te agradezco el regalo. I appreciate your gift.
  • Me siento agradecido (agradecida if you're female) por el regalo. I feel grateful for the gift.
  • Estoy agradecido (agradecida if you're female) por el regalo. I am grateful for the gift.
  • Me encanta el regalo. I'm delighted by the gift.

 Check out my 7th grade intro to Spanish students.... el alfabeto espanol:  WE ROCK! :)




PRACTICAMOS el alfabeto espanol:  CLICK HERE:  7th grade alphabet click heres.htm7th grade alphabet click heres.htm


El alfabeto espanol:  divertido!  practico!  alfabet song 

 alfabeto espanol song





























PRACTICAMOS el alfabeto espanol:  CLICK HERE:  7th grade alphabet click heres.htm7th grade alphabet click heres.htm



















 acheviement series site id:  525-812-7179  student id: get from sra. gaspar  test id:  39534






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