Anne Gaspar > SPANISH I

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Bienvenidos a clase de espanol I --
 Spanish I:
-la noticia diaria
-expresiones utiles en clase/ la escuela
-el alfabeto espanol
-una conversacion basica
-la mapa
-los numeros
-dia de los muertos
-la hora
-articulos definidos y indefinidos
-el verbo ser
-los adjectivos
- verbos -ar
-palabras interrogativos
-personas hispanicas prezi
-la familia
-verbos -er, ir
-presentacion final de una topica de la cultura hispanica
-examen de semestre I
-examen de semstre II
 GOALS / STANDARDS of Spanish I Class:
Upon completion of Spanish I, students will demonstrate the following State Standards:
Course Description:
This course is anintroduction to the Spanish language. Students perform the most basic of functions of the language and become familiar with some of the elements of its culture. The emphasis is based on the development of listening, speaking, reading ,and writing skills which promote meaningful language practice.
Course Objectives: Novice Level Expected Outcomes
       By the end of theyear the beginning language learner will:
  • Understand words and short phrases
  • Recognize the difference between basic formal and informal language
  • Understand verbal tasks and complete them
  • Request repetition of spoken language as necessary
  • Express common expressions
  • Express basic likes and dislikes
  • use practiced vocabulary / structure
  • Ask and answer questions using simple words or phrases
  • Read orally beginning level text with reasonably accurate pronunciation
  • Engage in simple conversations
  • Recognize the alphabet
  • Use contextual clues to help understand unfamiliar print words and phrases
  • Use visual clues, cognates, and borrowed words to make meaning of unfamiliar text.


  • Describe onself/others, what oneself/others do
  • write an autobiography in spanish based on practiced vocabulary
  • Ask and answer questions dealing with practiced topics/vocab
  • Produce lists, memorized phrases, and strings of short sentences.
Content Standards /goals
Student will engage in conversation and exchange information orally and in writing.
Student will understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics
Student will incorporate technology to research and present information, concepts,and ideas regarding cultlural topics
Student will gain knowledge and demonstrate an understanding of a culture/s other than his/her own.

      Student will reinforce his/her knowledge of the English language and other subject areas through the foreign language.

Student will develop insight into the nature of language and culture by comparing his/her own language and culture to that of Hispanics.
  • Presentations
  • note-taking
  • daily practice / participation
  • Listening comprehension tests/ assessments
  • Collaborative tasks
  • Fluency tasks (writing, speaking, reading)


PRACTICAMOS -ER, -IR,  -AR verb learning targets: 

Use notes if you need to... practicing LT's:  -do you know your verbs by memory?   - do you know how to conjugate any verb -ar, -er, -ir ?   - can you make a sentence using thes verbs?  -can you ask and respond to questions in spanish using these verbs

2.  achievement series 1  -   easy!  practice using the infinitive form of the verb ("to __" ) 

EXAMPLE:  to run =  _______       correr          "turn in the test" when done for a grade (26 pts)   site id:  525-812-7179   test id:  84862

3. achievement series 2:  more difficult:  change the verb in parenthesis:  conjugate the verb  "turn in test" when done for a grade (26 pts) 

EXAMPLE  (correr = to run)   I don't run.  Yo no __.          corro               site id:  525-812-7179  test id:  80646

4.  achievement series 3:   challenging   put the verb in its correct form in the blank "turn in test" when done for a grade (25 pts)  

EXAMPLE:    We run a lot.    Nosotros __ mucho.      corremos       site id:  525-812-7179  test id:  62306


LA QUINCEAÑERA:  una topica cultura :  
ppt with information: quince ppt.pptquince ppt.ppt

Lunes, el 22 de Abril:   today's daily practice/grade:
PRACTICAMOS:  LA FAMILIA:  el vocabulario y el arbol de la familia   
2 days in lab:   graded tasks:  
1.  YOU WILL CREATE A Family TREE and   
2.   WRITE A PARAGRAPH in SPANISH about your family/relationships to family members
              click here  family tree paragraph in spanish.htmfamily tree paragraph in spanish.htm for assignment     


LA FAMILIA : practicamos:

two achievement series "turn in the test"

1.*site id:  525-812-7179   test id:  92722        and    
2.*site id  525-812-7179    test id:  56865 

el primero de abril: achievement series: 2 graded "turn in the tests" PRACTICAMOS: o,as,a,amos, an, ar all subjects, verb conjugation
1. site id: 525-812-7179 test id: 54649 (30 pts) student id: get from Sra. Gaspar
2. site id 525-812-7179 test id: 50924 (31 pts) student id: get from sra. Gaspar
PLEASE NOTE:  these question words that are posted in my room:  you need these!
who       quien
what      que
when     cuando
where    donde
why       porque
how       como 
how much/many?    cuantos
PRACTICAMOS los -AR VERBOS: your daily grade today: practice with -ar verbs: conjugate in ALL forms: singular and plural subjects (see chart below) click here: ar verb click heres all forms.htmar verb click heres all forms.htm

LOS HISPANICOS FAMOSOS:  famous hispanic project:  PREZIS  click here for information: Famous Hispanic person project.htmFamous Hispanic person project.htm

Miercoles, el 19 de Febrero:  practicamos los verbos -AR :
Aprendemos! Learning targets: -- you should be able to do the following proficiently:
1. memorize - ar verbs and vocab ENG-- SPAN SPAN -- ENG
2. conjugate -ar verbs
3. express what you do (-ar verbs)
4. express what you don't do (negative - ar verbs)
5. ask a question (using -ar verbs)
6. answer questions (-ar verbs)
7. to change or not to change? when do you leave an -ar verb in the 
infinitive form, when do you conjugate it?
Today's practice: 
 LA PRUEBA MANANA:  quiz tomorrow!
what is your quiz over?     1.   memorize all your -ar verbs: you have to know what all your verbs mean eng - span / span - eng.                  2.  Conjugate an -ar verb in a sentence.   3.  Read sentences in Spanish that use -ar verbs    3.  know when to change/conjugare -ar verbs (o,as,a) or when to leave them (-ar)
your daily grade today:   to (a.) earn 2 daily grades and  (b.) practice for the quiz tomorrow   "turn in the test" 2 ach series practices
1.  site id :  525-812-7179   test id:  58863  student id: get from sra. Gaspar     (25 questions)
2.  site id:  525-812-7179    test id;  33401    student id: get from Sra. Gaspar   (35 questions)

3.  these are for points: you must show me when completed:  Practicamos -ar verbos / conjugating -ar verbs CLICK HERE 3 games one ach series o as a sp I.htm3 games

jueves, is 20 de Febrero You will write an autobiography  completely in Spanish!   This is a 3 paragraph topic all about you.  What you like, what you do, and what you don’t like/do.   Follow the order of the questions and don’t miss a question!  YOU WILL EXPRESS YOURSELF COMPLETETLY in SPANISH using your verbs and vocabulary.     
 You may use your notes/vocabulary.  YOU MAY NOT USE GOOGLE TRANSLATE: YOU DON't NEED TO!
sra gaspar's example autobiografia:  mi autobiografia example sra gaspar.pdfmi autobiografia example sra gaspar.pdf
1.        Write a title on the top of your paper:    MI AUTOBIOGRAFIA EN ESPANOL
2.       Answer each question with a complete sentence to form 3 paragraphs in Spanish. 
You will NOT answer like this:  1. No  2.  Si, you nado…. Instead you will just form a paragraph with sentences.
3.       Express yourself completely in Spanish.  use spanglish if you need to

4.  Include a picture of yourself on the autobiografia.

5.  another achievement series  
NOW GO ON to your points/practice”turn in the test”  on ACHIEVEMENT SERIES!  click here

Site id:  525-812-7179     test id:        43744            


viernes, el 21 de Febrero
1. finish "mi autobiografia" en espanol if you still need to finish / print.
2. a. get better at using -o -as, -a forms of -ar verbs in order to express yourself in Spanish.
b. memorize -ar verbs

Using Technology to create / engage...  USE VOKI -- online program to express yourself, show your autobio in Spanish... es divertido!
bring your headphones / earbuds! :)​

lunes, el 24 de FebreroYou will start a new word document on the coputer. you need your book. you will complete activities in your book and write about a friend in class. click on the following link for TAREA / PRACTICA / INFORMACION book tarea -o,-as,-a, -ar verbs.htmbook tarea -o,-as,-a, -ar verbs.htm

Miercoles, el 22 de Enero:
practicamos los adjectivos, ser, articulos, nouns click here  LA TAREA.pdfLA TAREA.pdf  for assignment:  

Ustedes necesitan los libros de espanol completar la tarea.

practicamos adjectivos, ser, articulos...  EN EL LIBRO DE ESPANOL
ustedes necesitan los libros de espanol!

Martes, el 21 de Enero: 
practicamos los adjectivos, ser, nouns, articulos CLICK HERE  adjs photos and frases.pdfadjs photos and frases.pdf for assignment and information and examples
practicamos:  ADJECTIVOS,  SER (is, am, are), NOUNS,  ARTICULOS (a, an, the)​

 Viernes, el 17 de Enero:   READ THIS INFORMATION/REVIEW BEFORE you do achievement series (graded):

 SER (to be):  I AM =  yo SOY    you are =  tu ERES    IS = ES    they/2 people are = SON    we are = nosotros SOMOS

 ADJECTIVES:  must AGREE with the people they describe (m/sing, m/pl , f/sing, f/pl) :  un chico guapo, unos chicos guapos, una chica guapa, unas chicas guapas

to say someone is NOT.... NO goes infront of the verb ser:     Marcos is not fat =  Marcos NO ES gordo.   The girl isn't ugly.  La chica NO ES fea.   
They are not dumb =  NO SON estupidos.    You are not blonde =  Tu NO ERES rubio.
REMEMBER THE FLIP - fLOP :   ORDER:  The rich man =  the man rich EL HOMBRE RICO.   The man is rich.  =  EL HOMBRE es RICO.                                  BOTH CASES< THE NOUN comes BEFORE THE ADJECTVE!
Now, practice on achievement series:   "turn in the test" when you are done:  2 daily grades  
****click here to get to the site:  achievement series   
1. site id: 525-812-7179   test id:  89016  student id:  la fecha de tu cumpleanos  (41) 
2.  site id:  525-812-7179   test ID:  25528   student id: la fecha de tu cumpleanos (40)

3.  site id:  525-812-7179   test ID:   67663            student id: tu cumpleanos (34) 
 "turn in the tests" when done​


  Miercoles, el 15 de Enero:  Practicamos:  los adjectivos, los articulos, IS, AM , ARE, nouns

 practica, practica, practicayour daily grade today:  click here's all period long! ;) adj click heres.htmadj click heres.htm


Miercoles, el 22 de Enero:
practicamos los adjectivos, ser, articulos, nouns click here adj book tarea.pdfadj book tarea.pdf for assignment:  

Ustedes necesitan los libros de espanol completar la tarea.

practicamos adjectivos, ser, articulos...  EN EL LIBRO DE ESPANOL:  click here for tarea/informacion ​
ustedes necesitan los libros de espanol!complete assignment on your own paper, or type answers in a word doc and print.​

daily grade: practice:
PRACTICAMOS:  LOS ARTICULOS (a, an, the, some) NOUNS, SER (is, am, are) SINGULAR y PLURAL NOUNS (people)
1.  complete and "turn in the test" achievement series:  practicamos:  nouns, articles, the verb ser, male/female, singular/ plural (30 pts)

achievement series site    site id:  525-812-7179   test id: 46288   

2.   complete and "turn in the test" achievemtn series 2 :  practicamos el vocabulary : nouns, articles, is,am, are, learning targets (34 pts)

achievement series site    site id:  525-812-7179   test id:  85112   student id:  
Check out these Learning targets:  can you do all of these yet?learning targets ser, nouns, articles.pdflearning targets ser, nouns, articles.pdf

3.  PRACTICE the verb SER (is, am, are)  click on the following and practice with the links:  online SER practices click heres.htmonline SER practices click heres.htm


 Usa el libro de espanol:  tarea:  book assn nouns and ser.pdfbook assn nouns and ser.pdf   get a Spanish I book and complete the activities.  You may open a word doc to do these practices, or you can write them out.

the mayas.pptxthe mayas.pptx  Mayan powerpoint/ information


Viernes, el 30 de Noviembre:   el calendario de los mayas     mayan webquest.htmmayan webquest.htm    El final dia del mundo:  12.21.12  ?

1.  I must see you working on these links and practicing the calendar for DAILY PRACTICE POINTS (10) 
PRACTICA EL CALENDARIO EN ESPANOL: practicamos el calendario.htmpracticamos el calendario.htm  CHOOSE the letter "D" : practice dates, months, calendar -- 21 links!


2.  achievement series practice 1: you will need to use your planner or on-line 2013-2014 calendario:  VERDAD o FALSO? (20 pts)  

achievement series student login:              site id: 525-812-7179 use dashes            student ID: get from Sra. Gaspar                   test id: 20368


3.  achievement series practice 2:  use your planner or online calendar to answer questions:  multiple choice / short answer (20 pts)

achievement series student login::         site id: 525-812-7179 use dashes                student ID: get from Sra. Gaspar            test id: 77294


:  practicamos LA HORA: QUE HORA ES?
1.  click here and follow instructions for practice telling time YOU NEED TO SHOW ME when you complete these practices:  YOU MUST DO THESE PRACTICES for your daily practice grade.  time spI.htmtime spI.htm
2.  (to do AFTER 1.)
achievement series student login: 
 site id: 525-812-7179 use dashes                                 student ID: get from Sra. Gaspar                                    test id: 86428


EL PRIMERO DE NOVIEMBREel dia de los muertos untitled.pngEL PRIMERO DE NOVIEMBREel dia de los muertos

DDLM lesson:  

1.  students will see a powerpoint presention in class given by Sra. Gaspar and answer questions following the information:  What is Dia de los muertos?  How is it celebrated?  Where is it celebrated?  What are 3 things you may find on an ofrenda?  What is the importance/significance of this holiday?  Compare and contrast DDLto Halloween (listening quiz)

2.  Students will use technology in order to create a presentation to teach the class about a specific DDLM topic. (get topics from Sra. Gaspar)

3. Students will present information and show their presentation to the class / teach them about their topic. ** complete bubble organizer to organize information

3.  Students will discover DDLM by reading information online and answering questions about DDLM. get questions from Sra. Gaspar -WEBQUEST  CLICK HEREwebquest DDLM.htmwebquest DDLM.htm

Day of the Dead answer sheet.docxDay of the Dead answer sheet.docx

Day of the Dead answer sheet.htmDay of the Dead answer sheet.htm


Jueves, el 24 de Octubre: practicamos los numeros: repasamos por un examen: test on numbers tomorrow! (el 25 de Oct.)

your daily grade for today:

1.  3 links to follow and complete and practice numbers    

click here's : click on the following link for mucha practica con los numeros Los numeros.htmLos numeros.htm

 practice numbers:  5 different arcade games to practice numbers

practice phone numbers:  5 different arcade games to practice numbers:

2. achievement series; go to
site id: 525-812-7179 (use dashes)
student id: you will find this on your ddn portal: go like you were checking your grade, next to your name, you have an id number and picture. that is your id number for achievement series.
test 1: Learning targets: los numeros 0-? test id: 14496 (20 pts)



Lunes, el 21 de OCTUBRE:   practicamos los numeros en espanol 0-? 

DAILY GRADE TODAY:  COMPLETE    1. (click here's)  and  2. (2 achievement series)

1.  click on the following link use all practice links/sites   practicamos los numeros.htmpracticamos los numeros.htm

2.  when you are done with the above "click here's" practice:

you need to complete 2 achievement series tests.  These are not really tests, but they are graded, and it will score your answers at the end.  this a great practice for numbers! 

achievement series;  go to

site id:  525-812-7179  (use dashes)

student id:    your birthday ex:  01101996  

test 1:  Learning targets:  los numeros 0-?  cual es el numero? what is the number?   test id:   40299 (31 pts) 

test 2:  learning targets:  los numberos 0-?  cual es el numero?   test id:  85589  (21 pts)


Martes, el 16 de Octubre: 

*** LA PRUEBA DE UNA CONVERSACION BASICA: MIERCOLES, el 17 de OCTUBRE listening and written and opp. for mas credito

TODAY YOU HAVE 2 tasks to complete in the lab:


1.  UNA CONVERSACION BASICA: Today's assignment : practicamos UNA CONVERSACION BASICA : greetings and basic conversationbasic conversation.htmbasic conversation.htm

2.  when you are done with the above "click here's" practice:

you need to complete 3 achievement series tests.  These are not really tests, but they are for a grade, and it will score your answers at the end.  this is great practice for the test tommorrow!

achievement series:  go to

site id:  525-812-7179
student id:  get your student id from Sra. Gaspar
test#1:  Learning targets:  formal or informal?  Can you distinguish whether to use a formal or informal conversation?  test id:   32810  (13 pts) 
test #2:  Learning targets:  initiate or respond  using vocab / una conversacion basica:    test id:  78519 (16 pts)
test #3:  Translate english to spanish:  Say what you want to in spanish regarding a basic conversation  test id: 61270  (20 pts)
 ​hola, hola, coca cola! que tal, animal? que pasa, calebaza? nada, nada limonada! :)



Martes, el 10 de Octubre: 

UNA CONVERSACION BASICA:  PRACTICAMOS: with a partner, create a ppt expressing a basic conversation to show on the smart board and to speak aloud to the class on Friday. Sra. Gaspar will show you examples, give you information in class. LA PRUEBA DE UNA CONVERSACION BASICA: MIERCOLES, el 17 de OCTUBRE listening and written and opp. for mas credito


go to a site called GOANIMATE.  you and a partner are going to create a video showing a basic conversation in Spanish.  You can either use the animated voices on the program, or record your own. 

1.  Express a basic conversation from beginning to end in Spanish.

2. use technology to create and practice


3. work collaboratively with a classmate to produce a quality finished product.​


 practica el alfabeto!
El alfabeto espanol y la pronunciacion: food for thought... you're learning how to speak a new language, Spanish. Let's just look at the reverse for a minute... non-English speakers learning pronunciation --- of unfamiliar English words.... Que interesante, no? A new perspective on learning a foreign language ---
practice la pronunciation: click and go to Spanish I "la pronunciacion"
watch this youtube video and practice
una conversacion basica: learn spanish greetings and introductions


Lunes, el 4 de Marzo - el 8 de Marzo:  PRESENTACIONES de una PERSONA FAMOSA HISPANICA
click here to create a PREZI presentation   click here for PREZI presentation requirements:famous hispanic person prezi.htmfamous hispanic person prezi.htm


             FELIZ DIA DE SAN VALENTIN!                             
Martes, el 14 de Febrero
Lunes  el 14 de enero:  notas: los adjectivos
martes el 15 de enero:  lo tengo: memorize new vocab/adjectivos
miercoles el 16 de enero: Learning targets/ practica/ la tarea / smart board examples: los adjectivos
jueves el 17 de enero:  una PRUEBA de los adjectivos:  los opuestos:  EJEMPLO:  Sr. Steckler no es estupido.  El es __.  (inteligente)
                                then 3 tareas en tres dias en lab:
viernes el 18 de enero: continuamos adjectivos / practica / tarea en lab
Lunes el 21 de enero:  NO ESCUELA !!! feliz dia de vacacion
Martes el 22 de enero:  continuamos adjectivos / practica / tarea en lab




















TYPE in the correct answers.         USE your notes if you need to.

open this word document, practice -ar verb learning targets: 

on the left hand side column of my page : under LIBRARIES click word documents spI -- then open the word do










Content Editor


Course Description

Spanish I is an introductory course to give students the basics for speaking, writing and understanding Spanish. This course will build on fundamental basics of the Spanish language and strive to increase student communication skills in this popular language. This class will take a closer look at the cultures of various Spanish - speaking regions and celebrate the diversity of the geographical differences.