Day of the Dead Quest Sheets

Nombres  ______________________ _ _______                            Clase_____ _____    Periodo _______


Day of the Dead Quest Sheet

1.        Hispanics views about death:  Octavio Paz writes the Mexican has no problems with death that he "... chases   after it, mocks it, courts it, hugs it, sleeps with it, it is his favorite  plaything and his most lasting love."    In your opinion, how is this idea similar to or different from our "United   States" view on death?



2.       When is All Saints Day and All Souls Day celebrated?



3.         Even though each region in Mexico celebrates Day of the Dead differently, what   are things that they do have in common.



4.       November 1 is reserved to remember


5.       November 2 is reserved to remember


6.        From mid-October to the first week in November, what are some of the items markets and shops stock up on?




7.       List 5 edible goodies enjoyed on Day of the Dead.






8.         What are some things that are used to create an altar?



9.          Who is la Katrina?


10.   What are some foods that are made during Day of the Dead?


11.     What are the different types of Pan de Muertos or Bread of the Dead?


12.   What do children love to eat?


13.   What is the purpose of having a glass of water at the altar?


14.   In your own words, describe the cemeteries in Mexico? What do you like or dislike about the cemetery decorations?



Unscramble the vocabulary word, then using the glossary, write the definition.

15.  avlasecr _________________

  1. oelm ____________________
  2. lpoalic ___________________
  3. otlae ____________________
  4. gatnielso__________________
  5. tacera ____________________
  6. acavler ___________________
  7. fodraen ___________________
  8. qfelnaieu __________________
  9. apn ed osl ermtuso _____________________
  10. zpamchtcleui __________________________








36.  Choose a picture (link on the webquest page) and write a paragraph that answers the following questions:

  1. How does the photograph make you feel?
  2. What are some of the objects you see in the pictures?
  3. What do you like or dislike about the photograph? Be specific.

Be sure to write the name of the photograph on your paper. This is located at the bottom left hand corner of the photo.