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sp II practica y tarea

PAST TENSE VERBS - EL PRETERITO - regular y irregular
The chart above are the irregular verbs in the preterito/past tense:
andar - to walk    (walked)
estar - to be (p.l.a.c.e.)   (was, were)
hacer - to do , to make   (did, made)
poder - to be able to /can  (could, was able to )
poner - to put   (put)
ponerse - to put on  (put on)
querer - to want (wanted)
saber - to know  (knew)
tener - to have  (had)
venir - to come  (came )
decir - to say, to tell  (said, told)
traer - to bring  (brought)  
 practicamos el preterito: past tense
click on this link:   preterito click heres.htmpreterito click heres.htm  for your daily grade.  20 daily points today.
  2 achievement series "turn in the test" today.    
You will have 2 grades today, so do your best on them, Like always, I will be able to see your answers in case of spelling mistakes.  Make sure you have good notes/charts about past tense/preterito -ar verbs -er/-ir verbs, and the irregular ones (pus- pud- hic-...) 
1.  site id:  525-812-7179    test id:  32420    (26 pts)  student id:  
2.  site id:  525-812-7179   test id:  97479 (25 pts)    student id:  .
0021.jpghola! flan.bmpflan!


LTs:  view powerpoint and discover the Huichol Indios of Mexico
learn about an ofrenda (who, what, where, when, why) 
tell someone what an ofrenda is, how to make one -- all about an ofrenda
appreciate the art of the Huichol indian artesian
duplicate an ofrenda
Las ofrendas: el arte de los indios huicholes de Mexico: la cultura y arte de los huicholes


untitled.bmpimages 2.jpg

Miercoles, el 26 de Marzo:  your daily grade today:  3 achievement series (food/restaurant dialogue) and click here's (food)
      1.   www.achievementseries.com
practicamos comida, bebidalas categorias, y los colores-24 pts
site id:  525-812-7179
test id:  20325
student id:  get from your portal
turn in the test when done
           2.  www.achievementseries.com
practicamos comida, bebidalas categorias, y los colores
site id:  525-812-7179
test id:  62794
student id:  get from your portal
turn in the test when done
3.  www.achievementseries.com
practicamos dialogo en un restaurante
site id:  525-812-7179
test id: 93786 
student id:  get from your portal
turn in the test when done

  NEXT:  practicamos la comida y bebida:  daily grade click here:
5 bebidas
5 frutas
5 vegetales
5 postres
5 platos principales
5 entremeses
5 carne/pescado
5 otra comida​​


el 12-13 de Marzo:
Make a menu using Spanish :  use your knowledge of food combos  (con, de, y)
click here for MENU tarea/info/requirements:  menu in spanish.htmmenu in spanish.htm
GHS menu: we're going to make it in spanish, you get one day to translate
look to the left in the margin in the document library for a template--then you just need to change the date, change the menu
GHS menu en espanol:    
Escribe el menu de GHS en espanol
1.        Use a menu template . Everyone’s menu will look the same / be the same size, just different information in Spanish about what we’re having for lunch that day.
to get this template:  Go to MY COMPUTER  -- DROP BOX – SP II folder – open word doc: “school menu in Spanish”
2.       Change the date: edit the word art “1” and insert the correct date
3.  Change the information on the menu.
Delete what is there, insert the correct menu in Spanish for that day.
4.       The menu for your assigned date should be written correctly in Spanish and should look just like the one on the left
5.   Let me preview, then print​

LA MISMA LUNA:  topicas de la imigracion: 
*What is it like crossing the border "unofficially"/illegally?
*How do Mexicans cross the border into the united states?
*What does the border look like?
*Who is the border control? Who controls/regulates the US-Mexican border?
*What towns/who lives on the border?
*What is the Arizona Immigration law?
*What happens to illegal immigrants who are "found/discovered" living illegally in the US?
*What happens when an immigrand DOES make it to the US successfully but illegally?
*What is life like in the US for an illegal Mexan immigrant?
*why is there such a huge exodus from mexico to the US?

Martes el 4 de Febrero: practicamos los verbos reflexivos your daily grade todaypractice your reflexive verbs: click here and start at the top of the page with different links to practice, and work your way down the page. Hit and complete every excercise; vocabulary: know what your verbs mean, and how to conjugate them in a sentence! CLICK ON THE FOLLOWING LINK:reflexive click heres practice.htmreflexive click heres practice.htm



LA ROPA: click on the following link for links to clothing and colors in spanish:  click here-la ropa brochure.htmla ropa brochure.htm

vestirse (e-i) to get dressed, llevar (not reflexive) = to wear, ponerse (yo pongo) to put on

los colores:    rojo    amarillo  verde   azul   morado   naranja  el color cafe      negro    rosado   gris    dorado   plateado 

LA ROPA:   click here for a list of clothing in Spanish:   http://www.e-spanyol.hu/en/vocabulary/words_clothes.php​

EL CUERPO:  click here for a list of body parts in Spanish:    http://www.e-spanyol.hu/en/vocabulary/words_body.php​

​ FELIZ DIA DE SAN VALENTIN!                                                                                                                                            Recuerden tu maestra de espanol el dia de san valentin! Ella le gusta kitkats, chocolate, flores, dinero... ;)
el 14 de febrerosmiling-dogs-a.gif



Lunes, el 4 de Febrero:  Practicamos los verbos reflexivos:  verb drills:  are you more proficient at conjugating / using these verbs in a sentence than you were last time we did them? 
1.  achievement series: site id: 525-812-7179 test id: 48786  30 pts) student id: next to your picture on the portal
1.  achievement series: site id: 525-812-7179 test id: 97402  (35 pts) student id: next to your picture on the portal
NOW... do you feel like you are better at these than before you did the 2 achivement series tests?
WHAT DON'T YOU GET (still, if anything) ABOUT CONJUGATING REFLEXIVE VERBS?  Let's get it learned!

​Jueves, el 16 de Enero:      LOS VERBOS REFLEXIVOS: practicamos:        achievement series: 2 graded "turn in the tests"
1.      site id: 525-812-7179      test id:  49661 (30 pts)       student id: get from Sra. Gaspar
2. site id: 525-812-7179               test id: 80905   (35 pts)             student id: get from Sra. Gaspar

Viernes, el 10 de enero: 
 (el cumpleanos de la maestra de espanol! P.s. Yo quiero dinero, las flores, un coche mercedes, chocolate/dulces, una vacacion a Cancun, Mexico, un disco compacto de enrique iglesias... :) 
 feliz-navidad.gifEL VEINTE Y CINCO DE DICIEMBRE:   
Querido Papa Noel / Santa Claus / San Nicolas:  Sra. Gaspar quiere/desea..... un coche rojo mercedes, dinero, 

chocolates/dulces, musica de Enrique Iglesias.... :)  


El proyecto cultural (semestre I) 
El proyecto viaja virtual
1.  Tu vas a planear viajar a un paies hispanico.
2.  Sigue los requisitos del proyecto.
CLICK HERE for project requirements / rubric  virtual tour project sp II.htmvirtual tour project sp II.htm

 SAYING "THANKS" in Spanish
Chances are that one of the first words you learned in Spanish is gracias, the most common way to say "thanks" or "thank you." It is, of course, an extremely useful word.
If you wish to indicate what you're giving thanks for, use the preposition por to mean "for": Gracias por el regalo, thank you for the gift.
If you want to say "thank you very much," you can use muchas gracias or even muchísimas gracias.
If you wish to add some variety to your language, here are examples of a few other ways you offer thanks:
  • Te doy gracias por el regalo. I thank you for the gift.
  • Me has ayudado mucho.You have helped me very much.
  • Me ha ayudado el regalo. The gift has helped me very much.
  • Me ayudará mucho el regalo. The gift will help me very much.
  • Te agradezco el regalo. I appreciate your gift.
  • Me siento agradecido (agradecida if you're female) por el regalo. I feel grateful for the gift.
  • Estoy agradecido (agradecida if you're female) por el regalo. I am grateful for the gift.
  • Me encanta el regalo. I'm delighted by the gift.
La amabilidad: adelante!
 PRACTICAMOS LOS VERBOS QUE CAMBIA EN EL RADICAL =  stem changing verbs = boot verbs

Learning target 2:  CONJUGATE ANY STEM CHANGING VERB     - is it an  AR, ER, or IR verb? 
 how does it change? :  e--ie    o--ue     e---- i 
Learning target 3:  use the verbs in a sentence, ask questions using these verbs, respond to questions using these verbs 
you will have 2 days:  pracicamos, practicamos, practicamos!
 stem changing verbs/boot verbs. 
your tarea:  1.  Practicamos boot verbs  escribe en espanol write 10 true/false statements in Spanish
you will pick 10 stem changing verbs, and write 10 sentences that could be answered Verdad o Falso (true or false)
EJEMPLOS:  examples:    V o F  Es necesesario pensar cuando tomando un examen.    V o F  Paco va a dormir porque el esta cansado.    V o F.    Alex Rodriguez juega basketbol.             you may use the computer-- open a word doc
2.  Practicamos boot verbs escribe un parafo en espanol:write a paragraph completely in Spanish using stem-changing verbs 
You will form a paragraph completely in Spanish by answering the questions HERE(click here)stem changing tarea- write a paragraph by answering these questions.htmstem changing tarea- write a paragraph by answering these questions.htm or get the questions on paper from Sra. Gaspar                     you may use the computer to do this --open a word doc
3.  Practicamos boot verbs  practia con la computadoraachievement series and click heres
1.  achievement series: site id: 525-812-7179 test id: 96559  (26 pts) student id: next to your picture on the portal
3.  CLICK HERES and PRACTICE on THESE LINKS   stem changing verb click heres.htmstem changing verb click heres.htm  go to different sites and keep practicing


Lunes, el 28 de Octubre
 click here for practice and tarea   :PRACTICAMOS SER VS ESTAR.htmPRACTICAMOS SER VS ESTAR.htm  
Jueves y Viernes:  el 24-25 de octubre:
2 tasks, 2 days: 
1.  click here:  write and illustrate SER, ESTAR, and IR:  click here to see examples: (done on word) ser estar ir examples in lab.pdfser estar ir examples in lab.pdf   or  ser ir estar examples in lab 2.pdfser ir estar examples in lab 2.pdf
3.  OPORTUNIDAD para MAS CREDITO:  click here:mas credito ser vs estar sp II.htmmas credito ser vs estar sp II.htm
Martes, el 15 de Octubre   Practicamos IR (to go) y el vocabulario: los lugares  your daily grade today:
1.  click on the following link to practice the verb IR (to go) and places  and ir + a  
remember voy = I go, I'm going, I am going      

start at the top, work your way to the bottom, do all  practices

2.   2 achievement series :  1 practice, when done "turn in the test" -- do your best, as it is scored.
achievement series:  go to  www.achievementseries.com
site id 525-812-7179  (use dashes)
student id:  you will find this on your ddn portal:  go like you were checking your grade, next to your name, you have an id number and picture.  that is your id number for achievement sseries.
 test  id:   72757        (20 pts)
test id:  82871   (20 pts)


Lunes, el 30 de Octubre:   practicamos los verbos -ar, -er, -ir


achievement series:  go to  www.achievementseries.com
site id 525-812-7179
student id: get from Sra. Gaspar 

test #1:  Learning target:  do you know your -er, -ir verbstest id:  60564  (18 pts)
test#2:  Learning targets:  memorize all -ar, -er, -ir verbs, conjugate verbs, change verbs or leave them -ar, -er, -ir, ask questions: test id:   99830   (50 pts) 

 test #3 Learning targets: -subject /verb agreement/conjugate -ar, -er, -ir  verbs -asking questions in Spanish (verb, then subject?) -question words -making sentences negative (don't do something)     test id:  30295 (41 pts)


Miercoles, el 18 de Septiembre:                             practicamos all  los verbos -ar  LEARNING TARGETS!  

achievement series:  go to  www.achievementseries.com


site id 525-812-7179


student id:  get from Sra. Gaspa

test#1:  Learning target:  memorize all -ar verbs: test id:   80488   (15 pts) 


test #2:  Learning targets:   -subject /verb agreement/conjugate -ar verbs -asking questions in Spanish (verb, then subject?) -question words -

making sentences negative (don't do something)     test id:  89146   (31 pts)


​test #3:  Learning target:  when to leave/when to change -ar verbs -- using the infinitive (to __) form

test id: 86355  (15 pts)


test #:  Learning targets:   everything –ar!       test id:  94129   (31 pts)




Lunes, el 4 de febrero:  ach series:  practicamos!  Your goal is to know / conjugate reflexive verbs better than you could yesterday!
Martes, el 5 de febrero:  notas:  la ropa / ppt
Miercoles, el 6 de febrero:  lo tengo!  Memorize new vocab: la ropa
Jueves, el 7 de febrero: 





UNANNOUNCED PRUEBA this week!  know your vocabulario P (posiciones) L (locaciones) A (acciones) C (condiciones) E (emociones):   You know you are having a quiz, you just know not when, so BE PREPARED!!
Nov 12, 2012: Ser vs. Estar: Examples with me when to use SER or ESTAR for is, am, are/ tarea: fill in the blank with is, am, are
Nov 13, 2012:  Sophomore plan test
Nov 14, 2012:  Smart board examples, then you try Ser vs. Estar
Nov 15, 2012:  Ser vs. Estar (is, am,are)  in lab:  write and illustrate when you use ser, estar, and ir
Nov 16 2012:  continue in lab/ finish assignment
 Jueves, el primero de Noviembre:   
EL DIA DE LOS MUERTOS:  el primero de Noviembre  
FELIZ DIA DE LA VISPERA de todos los SANTOS:  31.10





practice Spanish using technology --- La escuela de GHS:  mis clases, mis maestros, mis amigos, mi escuela.,,

use YODIO to produce a video that will tell and describe in Spanish the classes you take in Garretson, your school, where you eat lunch, what you learn, who your teachers are, where games are played...  You will be working with a partner.  You will use a digital camera to show --- and Spanish to describe those pictures.





 la comida y la bebida : practica: click heres food click heres.htmfood click heres.htm



Martes, el 14 de febrero:  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Jueves, el 9 de Febrero:    practicamos la comida y bebida:   LA PRUEBA MANANA     click here for daily gradeacheivment series food.htmacheivment series food.htm






Content Editor

Expresa el amor el dia de san valentin
Valentine’s Day Día de San Valentín
Happy Valentine’s Day (in Spanish) ¡Feliz día de San Valentín!
I love you (to a family member or relative) Te quiero
I love you (spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend) Te amo
I love her a lot La amo mucho
I love her a lot La quiero m​ucho
I love him a lot Lo amo mucho
I love him a lot Lo quiero mucho
TXTNG EN ESP  texting in Spanish
If Spanish wasn’t already one of the easier languages to learn, as a result of it being phonetic,it just got even easier. Thanks to 160 character limits on texts, and one-handed typing on cell phone keyboards, spelling in Spanish is getting even simpler. The catch? You still need to know which letters represent which sounds. 

As in the rest of the world, teens are the most prolific texters in Spain. It is from colloquial expressions and slang that the concise, yet expressive text language has developed. In many parts of southern Spain the last consonant in the word is skipped in spoken Spanish. “Granada” becomes “ Graná”, “helado” becomes “helao”, “pescado” becomes “pescao,” and so on. This rule is obviously applied when texting because it’s an easy way to save a character. 

But it’s not just the south which has influenced Spanish text-speak, in Cataluña, Euskadi (Basque Country) and Galicia the “X” replaces the “Ch” sound in words – “Chocolate” is “Xocolata” in Catalan. This substitution too has become common in text-speak. But beware; “X” can also represent the word “ por” (English “multiply” in math).

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae . The human brain’s capacity to understand words not only when letters are in the wrong order, but also when letters are missing is the last clue you will need to translate the text message conversation below: 
Monica: Ke kieres acer sta noxe? 

Ana: Toy zzz. Hy pso d sa.

Monica: Xq? Tas ok?

Ana: Toy depre :(. La profe de mtmtx mda muxo tare.

Monica: xfa. Tng gns d vrt!

Ana: Qdms en la dsk lg?

Monica: Siiiii!TQM! ta lgo. Bsit2

Ana: NV. Bsit2 

Monica: ¿Que quieres hacer esta noche? (What do you want to do tonight?)

Estoy durmiendo. Hoy paso de salir. (I'm asleep. I don't want to go out today.) (Literally: Today I pass on going out)

Monica: ¿ Porque? ¿Estás bien? (Why? Are you ok?)  

Ana: Estoy deprimida :(. La profesora de matemáticas me da mucho tarea. (I'm depressed. The math teacher gives a lot of homework .)  

Monica: Porfa ( por favor). Tengo ganas de verte! (Please. I really want to see you!)  

Ana: Quedamos en la discoteca luego? (Shall we meet in the disco later?)  

Monica: Si! Te quiero mucho! Hasta luego. Besitos. (Yes! I love you lots! See you later. Kisses)  

Ana: Nos vemos. Besitos. (See you. Kisses.)

Course Description

Spanish II is a continuation of Spanish I with added emphasis on fluency in speaking, writing, and reading the language. There will be increased opportunity for realistic conversations and vocabulary. Readings from magazines and challenging text serve to increase vocabulary. Students will increase understanding of the language. Present tense verbs will be reinforced and preterite verbs will be introduced. This class will also take a closer look at the culture of Spanish speaking countries.