Assignment: learn/review some clothing in spanish; create
a fashion brochure/catalouge describing clothing in spanish.
First, here are some links with lists of clothing
in Spanish / English or use your list:
Click HERE
to get a list of clothing la ropa
Click HERE for
pictures/vocab of la ropa de mujeres.
Click on the clothes for the spanish
Click HERE for
pictures/vocab of la ropa de los hombres. Click
on the clothes for the spanish
Click HERE
for a list of clothing english
/ spanish for women
Click HERE for
a list of clothing english /
spanish for men
CLICK HERE here is a site for you to
practice, learn items of clothing in Spanish. There are a number of sites
on this page for you to click on to help you to learn ropa
en espanol. Do it to learn ropa.
Check out these sites and practice the vocab. DO
in spanish
Flashcards for more
Flashcard memory for more practice
using la ropa in spanish
Click HERE for a quiz/ practice your knowledge of vocabulary: clothing
in spanish.