tarea: (homework) complete this alfabet activity:

Directions:  find a picture or clip art to represent each letter of the spanish alfabet and the sound that it makes:

what sound (phonetic) does each letter of the spanish alfabet make?  represent the sound with an english word and picture

1.  open a microsoft word document.  Put your name at the top.Start with A ... work your way through Z:  pick an english word that represents the sound of the spanish letter and insert a picture or clip art of the word.

2.  make the pictures small so that you aren't printing more than 2 pages.

3.  save your work.  Print your work ( no more than 2 pages)  you can make your doc into 2 columns if you wish.


Description: http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQjTmLnlHBlRig3jihyBIH_DaVjrCZF_LCja_Gtxq7N-56sl5NyCzXO0wA:  paw   

Description: http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSEToSCe2arepyiIFW0Z4hRxAPc0l3Q-xNbc4Sw-yCf64JKaq3yB: boat   



C: before i,e     :  suit

Description: http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRARaE3DNOBCBtpJSEtPfz-H4DmGXpQChv8ITjdphm-7QP4XTcX

C before o,a, u     coat


Get it?  D makes the /d/ sound, E makes the /ay/ sound, F makes the /f/ sound, G, etc...

represent the sound the SPANISH letter makes with an english word and picture.  more examples:  J:    house  (because J makes the /h/ sound)   I:  feet  (because I makes the /eeeee/ sound)  the letter G makes 2 sounds:  /h/ before e, i  and /g/ before a, o, u

complete the alphabet A - Z : again,  try to make it small so that when you are ready to print your assignment, you don't print more than 2 pages;   you can even change your page to 2 columns.

HELP:  when you copy / paste or insert pictures, right click the picture, then change the layout to "in front of text" that way you can move the picture all around without messing up your words... I just took my pictures above from clip art...