Hola, Hola (coca-cola)!  Hi, everybody!  PLEASE READ this message:

Your assignment today:  I am going to have you go to some sites on the internet to practice and get really good at the Spanish alphabet...  so PRACTICAR para PERMANECER:  practice to make perfect/ permanent!  start with 1. and read directions and work your way down to 6. 

This is not time to do anything else on the computers.  This is a different way to practice what we do/learn in class, and  I like to take you to the computer lab... so don't disappoint me and do the work here that I ask you to.  Notice that 6. is tarea that you will print and hand in.  Do 1-5 first, please.   2 days in lab


1.  CLICK HERE to practice el alfabeto espanol MATCHING  directions:  do this to practice the spanish alphabet:  once you do this, click START OVER and keep practicing START OVER (keep practicing) until you get really good at identifying the letters of the alphabet this way.

2. CLICK HERE to practice the pronunciation of letters of the alfabet and the letters :  FLASHCARDS:  flip through until you are PROFICIENT at this.(that means really, really good. 

3.CLICK HERE  to practice the spanish alfabet using the game of CONCENTRATION:  practice and have fun! you can keep starting over until you are PROFICIENT with this.

4. CLICK HERE  to practice the spanish alfabet using  WORD SEARCH --- just for fun!  :)   I think? you can start over until you are PROFICIENT with this.

CHECK  How are you doing with the spanish alfabet ?  are you feeling PROFICIENT? 

5.  CLICK HERE to take a quiz on your knowledge of the spanish alfabet :  directions:  1.  click on "take this quiz"  2.  enter your name  3.  click on "take quiz"

6.  CLICK HERE:  cognates